Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Middle School

So, the Public Schools started today, which means that Summer is practically as good over. And Laura just started Middle School. I just realized it's been about nine years since I started sixth grade (but not quite). I remember everything pretty well, and although I didn't really like many things about middle school, I get a kind of nostalgic feeling when I think about it. I can remember the teachers from each year, and in a lot of cases the people who were in each of my classes, and what everything was like. I walked to the public library after school for a lot of sixth grade.
I really loved being in band when I was in middle school, and I probably had closer friends back then too (not to mention my sisters were around). I went to several of my classes in temporary trailers, and Laura is going to class in a renovated building. One of my favorite parts of middle school was going to Fayette for the percussion solo contest.

I don't know, I just remember the people I associated with and where they are now, and it's very different.  

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