Thursday, September 13, 2018

A Very Good Pregnancy! 27 Weeks

I have been wanting to write about how this pregnancy is going for a while, but just hadn't gotten around to it yet. I'll do a "low points/high points" list:

Low Points: (There have not been many, luckily!)

  • I threw up pretty regularly in the first trimester. Usually at night or right before work. I hated spending money on food and then throwing it right up! I didn't really want to eat much in those days. The worst instance was a day I threw up on my drive to work, all over myself and the car. I wasn't prepared... I stayed home from work that day to figure out how to clean out the interior... It was a bummer because that is the nicer of our two cars!
  • I've been really tired and sleepy pretty much the whole time! Even during the second trimester. I know I am not exercising as much as I should be, and I am probably going to pay for it during labor...
  • Stressing about daycare. I get six weeks maternity leave, and I'm grateful for that, but I am sad to not have more time with little baby. The daycares are pretty much all booked out until late next year, and way expensive, and the home daycare (what we will probably use!) are more affordable, but they won't know their availability until much closer to the time I will need the care. Finances will be much tighter with childcare expenses. I just pray it all works out for the best!
  • That hint of worry I have with anything out of the ordinary on the ultrasound, and anxiety that my medication will cause problems (pretty low chance, and I've done everything my endocrinologist has said, so I'm sure it will be fine).

High Points: (There have been many!)

  • Even in my first trimester, I didn't feel THAT bad!
  • I found out my older sister is pregnant with her second child (6 weeks behind me)--we're both having boys! :)
  • On the first ultrasound, I saw that baby likes to have his arm over his eyes--just how his daddy sleeps!
  • I love the baby kicks, and seeing what baby responds to! He likes when we're at church singing the hymns with the organ, he likes Elvis (I don't really ever listen to Elvis, but Eric played "I can't help falling in love with you", and baby kicked to that the first time, and then did it several weeks later), The Bare Necessities from The Jungle Book (Phil Harris, another low voice), and just random times when I pat my stomach three times, he'll kick back. Eric LOVES to catch those baby movements and always gets excited when he feels it. One night we tested our "low voice" theory, and Eric said in a really low, resonate voice, "Come on--kick for daddy!" And the little guy responded! It was a lot of fun. 
  • I like singing and talking to baby on my car rides. It's fun!

I'm at that "I'm definitely undeniably pregnant" phase, but luckily haven't had to deal with the aches and pains yet. I'm excited to meet this sweet little guy!

Until next time,
